Owen Valley Backpack Buddies

Freedom Church of the Nazarene is now a partner in the Owen Valley Backpack Buddies program, whose mission is to provide weekend food for students who have little or no food for the weekend and who rely on school meals to fulfill their weekly food needs.

The program sends home 50+ meal bags each week, and there are more students yet to be identified. Currently, the program costs over $1000/month, and the school has reached a point where it needs financial assistance.  In addition to an annual monetary donation, we are also going to collect items to be delivered to the school each month. A collection tote will be placed in the church foyer where you can drop off food items.

Items Needed

  • cartons of peanut butter crackers or cheese crackers
  • apple sauce or fruit cups, fruit snacks, raisins/dried fruit
  • Ramen noodles or canned pasta meals (Spaghetti-O’s, Ravioli, etc.) Pre-cooked entrees (cans should have pull tabs, not requiring a can opener).
  • juice boxes or Gatorade bottles
  • granola bars, cereal bars, Poptarts, etc.
  • boxed saltine crackers, Ritz, etc. in sleeves (given out as a sleeve of crackers to each student each week)
  • microwave popcorn, other snacks
  • single serving cereal cups/bags/boxes & oatmeal cups or packets
  • single serve shelf-stable milk and chocolate milk
  • peanut butter and jelly packets
  • empty grocery bags (Babbs, Walmart, etc) to bag food items
  • other needs: monetary donations

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