Getting Our Hands Dirty in Children’s Church

The children got their hands dirty in Children’s Church this morning! Literally! They were given the important assignment of counting dirt. They tried their best but concluded it was an … [Read more…]
The children got their hands dirty in Children’s Church this morning! Literally! They were given the important assignment of counting dirt. They tried their best but concluded it was an … [Read more…]
It is our pleasure to present to you “Super Christmas”, written by Vanessa Unti, a student at Western Washington University and youth minister at Christ Servant Lutheran Church in Bellingham, … [Read more…]
Ten years ago marked the beginning of a new chapter for Freedom Church of the Nazarene. After years of prayer and fundraising, the Lord provided us with a new building … [Read more…]
This morning during children’s church, our kiddos experienced a taste of what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Under the direction of our NMI (Nazarene Missions … [Read more…]
January: January got off to a rough start. Several of our Sunday and Wednesday services and board/committee meetings were canceled because of snow, subzero temperatures, and an ice-covered parking lot. … [Read more…]
The year 2017 was a big year for Freedom Church of the Nazarene, as we saw many changes and embarked on new adventures. January: Unfortunately, the year started out on … [Read more…]
This Sunday is Communion Sunday. On the first Sunday of each month, our congregation eats bread and drinks grape juice to symbolize Christ’s body broken for us and His blood … [Read more…]
This forgotten video was recently discovered on YouTube by one of our attendees and, even though it is out of season, we thought it would be a great throwback video … [Read more…]