Getting Our Hands Dirty in Children’s Church

The children got their hands dirty in Children’s Church this morning! Literally!

They were given the important assignment of counting dirt. They tried their best but concluded it was an impossible task.

And that was the point!

This morning’s story was Genesis 13, where the Lord tells Abram, “I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted” (Genesis 13:16).

After playing in the dirt, the children took on the roll of sheep and played “musical grass” (similar to musical chairs) to help them visualize how the livestock in Genesis 13 didn’t have enough grass to eat, causing Abram and Lot to part ways.

The main point of emphasis this morning was on putting others first because that’s what Abram did when he let Lot decide which portion of land to claim for himself.

We will continue our study of Genesis next Sunday.

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